
Preserving Life on the Planet and Save the Human Species


Eco socialism is an emancipatory stance is aware that the logic of domination capital are reduced to exploitation and domination, capitalism is not explained solely by its economic and political dimension, by contrast, set it plays articulate multiple logics, where the dimension of alienation produces practices and patterns deniers consumption of humans and enhancing consumerism whose satisfaction has penetrated us in the mad rush to destroy sustainable Eco relationships that allowed past civilizations project in while the survival of the planet and the human species.
It happens that the feverish consumerism, capital is reproduced ideologically from the multiplication of manipulated beings and integrated into the legitimizing "Matrix" system; physically and economically but it is also done because consumption is a fundamental part of the production cycle where goodwill translates into money.
In the background of the production cycle and reproduction of capital, technological standard and energy, supported by the philosophy of unlimited growth, it has placed life on the planet on a horizon of disappearance. Capitalism has spawned a fundamental contradiction, the contradiction between man and nature, has broken the harmony and interdependence, intrinsic dynamics conspires against the form of civilization that created because capitalist civilization has shown monster and destructive.
The impacts of such a monstrosity are already here, climate change is an everyday reality for all populations in the world, altering the natural cycles throws us into the vortex of conflicting times of extreme drought and extreme rainfall, impacts on agriculture in the destruction of villages, in the loss of millions of lives is something that need not be detailed, all we see daily in the mass media.
But what we see in the mass media controlled by capital, communication is the explanation of this tragedy, we want to present environmental degradation as part of the natural cycle and not as a fundamental element of the predatory practices of capital in both its production cycle and consumption.
Aware that the XXI century socialism is socialist echo or be a caricature of socialism, the fifth of the great objective history proposed in the plan, formulates the urgency of preserving life on the planet and save the human species. The development of this historic goal will from the implementation of four key national objectives such as:
·         Build and boost Eco-socialist, productive economic model based on a harmonious relationship between man and nature, to ensure the use and rational, optimal and sustainable utilization of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature.
·         Protect and defend the permanent sovereignty of the State over natural resources for the ultimate benefit of our people, will be its main guarantor.
·         To defend and protect the Venezuelan and Americanization historical and cultural heritage.
·         Contribute to the creation of a great worldwide movement to curb the causes and repair the effects of climate change occurring as a result of predatory capitalist model.
These four national objectives should be enriched with an objective aimed at creating a culture of sustainable eco consumption from the multiplication of critical consumption practices able to choose the type of satisfactory whose production does not play chains of exploitation or destruction ecosystems in our country or other countries.
Consumerism does not understand that the merchandise arrives in my hands, expresses a social relationship, planted to produce pain in thousands of people and shortened the time of life in the planet. Although the consumption dimension it is important in building environmentally sustainable relations, we must also focus on the field of economic-productive dimension. About the Bolivarian revolution started since 2006 an intense political, economic and social process to deconstruct the capitalist relations and undock the global yoke of capital in the construction of national direction; however, we have not noticed that the central knot of capitalist reproduction is the philosophy of growth and development, which we revere daily.
The axis of capitalist reproduction is in the race to make develop mental as unlimited growth and consumption by limited environmental and economic context.
The growth model is tied to our oil and energy production pattern, our goals end up favoring productive development path grow without limit, that without doubt is our ideal, but must grow?, in social development strategies affirm that quality of life of the people, the good life; but in productive strategies, the weight over the years has continued to put on the expansion of oil exploration, which are intended for very few environmental limits and not made visible.
But the realization of the new plan of the nation upon which we are reflecting, once supposed to understand and unambiguous, we approach a limit of historical time where the fundamentals for our survival and reproduction as a society and species are food, water and a type of sustainable energy with the environment; no classical financial and industrial targets.
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