
10 Specific Things We Can Do To Stop Global Warming

There are 10 specific things we can all do to curb global warming, according to organizers of the First Meeting on Energy and Global Warming Municipality, held last week in Madrid with star Al Gore intervention. As stated in the awareness campaign launched in mid-2006 by the European Commission You control climate change.
1. Change the bulbs
Replace a traditional bulb with a low energy saves over 45 kilograms of carbon dioxide a year. True, the latter is more expensive but is more economical over its life. One of them can be reduced to 60 euros electricity costs, according to the European Commission.
2. Turn off the TV and the PC
Only turn off the TV, DVD or computer when not in use will prevent thousands of kilos of CO2 out of the atmosphere. Do not leave appliances on standby (wait) remains on a television for three hours a day (the average Europeans watch TV) and in standby the remaining 21 hours will consume 40 percent of energy total standby. Do not leave your mobile phone charger plugged in all the time, even when not connected to the phone, because it will consume electricity.
3. Drive less
Walking, cycling, and using public transport. You will save 30 grams of CO2 for every 4.5 kilometers that do not drive. For each liter of fuel burnt in a car engine, an average of 2.5 kilos of CO2 is released, according to the European Commission. Brussels also recommends not run the car: you spend less fuel and will emit less CO2. Go over 120 kilometers per hour increases 30 percent fuel consumption, compared to a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.
4. Check the tires
If the pressure of your tires down 0.5 bars, your car uses 2.5 percent more fuel and thus releases 2.5 percent more CO2. Saving gallon of gasoline six prevents the emission of carbon dioxide kilos.
5. Recycle
You can save more than 730 kilos of CO2 a year by recycling half of the waste produced at home.
6. Avoid long packing
Choose products with little packaging: A 1.5-liter throw it away produces less waste than three half-liter. When buying used reusable bags. Avoid moist paper towels. You can prevent the emission of 1,100 kilos of CO2 if you cut down your garbage by 10 percent.
A lot of energy is needed to heat water. Install a flow of water in the shower and avoid the emission of more than 100 kilos of carbon dioxide a year. Wash with cold or lukewarm water and save 150 kilos of CO2. Save hot water and spend four times less energy if instead of a bath you take a shower. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. Make sure your faucets do not drip: drip one can do in a month you lose enough water to fill a bathtub.
8. Watch appliances
Cover the pan while cooking is a way to save a lot of energy. Even better are pressure cookers and steamers: they can save 70 percent of energy. Use the washing machine and dishwasher only when they are full. If they are not, they use economic programs. No needs to put a high temperature, detergents today are effective even when it is low. Remember that if the refrigerator and freezer are close to the cooker or boiler consumes much more energy.
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