
Caring For the Environment

As care for the environment
Every human being should be concerned about the environment, for their care and protect it, because I think anyone can we overlook the important need to do something as soon as possible before a meltdown looming, we need only look around what is happening in the Arctic to take seriously how we are endangering nature.
Some castles at the thought of that as nothing is done globally little is going to get, but that's an excuse that falls under its own weight, because we all know how important is to act locally to get a move that enables and encourage something done at a higher level.
Wind power turbines
Do not forget that sometimes small gestures, multiplied by hundreds of thousands of people, we can collaborate and be part of the change: save water, taking care not to leave the tap running unnecessarily; turn off lights and appliances that are not in use; recycle our waste; buy efficient appliances; opt for hybrid cars or alternative fuels ...
Therefore, it is imperative that we raise awareness among about the commitment we have to do something to protect our environment and wanted also to remember and disseminate a key issue: much of what we do is very simple and is within reach.
In all areas of our life we ​​can make improvements smallest footprint we leave on the planet:
At home:
Proper insulation of a house is critical, both economically and in a matter of energy. How much heating think you can overspend on a home that is not properly insulated? The change is immense.
For starters, look for small drafts, which will be an indication that the windows or doors will not close. The best windows are those with thermal break, that is, are two crystals and amid a space. As large that space, we will isolate more window cold, heat and noise.
Another system to keep our house temperature is weather strip windows. They are economical, durable, and easy to use. You can find them at any hardware store.
If it still remains poorly insulated house, there are many materials that you can use, such as cork or polystyrene. It is recommended to open the windows about 5 minutes in the morning to vent, and then close to keep the house temperature. If our house is very warm, use the awning or blind is much cheaper than the air conditioning fan.
As for appliances, it is recommended to choose those with an A or higher energy efficiency (currently exist Jan will market to A +++). Although usually more expensive, we will offset this cost in electricity bills. If we cannot afford all efficient appliances, we recommend buying at least a good refrigerator, as it is the appliance that consumes more energy, and you will see that eventually compensated.
For the rest of appliances like the washing machine or dishwasher, must be put into operation when full, not spend unnecessarily water and energy, and have the right amount of detergent, because it pollutes the water.
As for the lighting, we use natural light whenever possible, but if we turn on the light, it is desirable that our bulbs are low consumption. One of these bulbs can save about 25 euros in a year. To make better use of light, it is desirable that the bulbs are white light, the lamps are properly cleaned, that the house is painted in light colors...
When we go shopping
The best trick we can take to not get carried away by consumerism is to bring a list we indicate what you have to buy only what we really need.
When choosing between various products are better local produce, and we save the energy used in transport. Also we look at the product to have the least possible packaging, plastic, paper or whatever.
If you have a choice, organic products are a good option, as it ensures us cleaner used in its production. Of course, its price is somewhat higher.
As efficient and healthy is walking or biking around. There is even a bicycle market very cheap cardboard.
The following is greener public transport: the best are the intercity bus, metro and tram, followed by the local bus, car, boat and plane, which pollutes and consumes 10 times more than the subway.
As for the car, the optimal speed in performance is 80 km / h, from that speed consumption soars. Each liter of gasoline consumed emitted into the atmosphere 2.35 kg of CO2. Each liter of diesel, 2.64. To save fuel, it is better to drive in higher gears. We also consume more if the windows down, if we bring a lot of luggage or an accessory, such as a roof rack and take low-pressure tires.
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