
What Are the Types of Renewable Energy?

renewable energy

Renewable energy is clean energy that helps protect the environment. Against the polluting effects and the exhaustion of fossil fuels, renewable energies are already an alternative. In Removable we speak now of solar energy, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydropower, hydrogen, ocean energy and more.
Renewable energy comes from natural sources are inexhaustible. Energy from sources likes sun, wind, water, biomass and so on.
Despite belonging to these inexhaustible sources, constant and increasing pollution in the environment has made in recent years its resources have diminished significantly endangering its continuity and not only that but many animals have died, as well as the danger threatening the conservation of land and our own species.

Renewable Energy from Fossil
Against the polluting effects of fossil fuels like oil or coal, renewable energies are less carbon emissions, recycled and are more respectful of the environment.
Fossil fuels create greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming. Renewable energies do not emit greenhouse gases and are essential to curb global warming and climate change.
The production of renewable energy locally, reducing transport costs with fossil fuels. Increasing renewable energy creates jobs.
Renewable energies for their availability are subject to less price fluctuations, unlike oil or gas.
Unlimited potential versus the finite resources of fossil fuels, renewable energies offer virtually unlimited potential.

Renewable Energy Types
Solar energy
Solar energy transforms sunlight into electricity. It does directly using photovoltaic, or indirectly through concentrated solar energy.
The concentrated solar power systems use lenses or solar panels that collect energy from the sun. Photovoltaic uses solar panels and semiconductor materials, thus converts sunlight into electricity through the photoelectric effect.

Solar thermal
Solar thermal energy uses the sun's energy to generate heat or thermal energy. The energy collected by solar collectors or solar energy is concentrated and used to heat water for domestic or industrial level

Wind power
The wind force is converted into electricity by wind turbines. Wind farms can have hundreds of wind turbines. The wind turns the blades on turbines that turn, are connected to a generator that produces electricity.

Geothermal energy
The energy obtained from the use of the heat generated inside the earth. We see the power of this energy in volcanoes or geysers. Water vapor to pass through a turbine connected to a generator produces electricity.

Renewable energies Hydropower
Harnesses the energy of falling water from a height. This type of energy is converted into kinetic energy. The water moves at high speed through the turbines and generators is transformed into electricity.

Through photosynthesis, plants capture energy from the sun. The energy stored in wood, fruit peel, plants, and other organic waste, the burning will release stored energy. This is the energy of the biomass.

Ocean energy
The best known is tidal, but also working on wave energy and temperature gradients between the bottom and surface of the ocean.
The tidal power exploits the differences in height between the average height of the seas as the relative position of the earth and the moon, sometimes these differences in height meters can be reached. An alternator is used to generate electricity

A very abundant element in the universe, but is rarely found in pure state, so to get it is needed for other sources of energy. Hydrogen can transform into energy using a similar manufacturing batteries that convert chemical energy into electricity.

Thermal energy
The energy released through the heat obtainable from the sun, nature, by friction, by combustion so on.
Renewable energy is considered when using hydrogen in place of uranium in the process of nuclear fission.

Advantages of Renewable Energy
Wind power
Renewable energy has a number of advantages over fossil fuels. We begin to see what they are:
Renewable energy, as its name suggests, can be reused, ie, they are not perishable energy sources, as are coal, oil or nuclear materials used for energy. The energy from the wind (wind), sea (hydraulic) or sun (solar) is inexhaustible, or at least, no prospects that are going to end. Therefore, they are sources of energy that will always be present and that will survive the exploitation of other fuels.
Renewable energies help care for the environment. Most do not need to be energy combustion, as happens in refineries or industrial plants that use non-renewable energy. They also help preserve longer the resources of our planet.

Solar energy
Renewable energies help stop the spread of greenhouse gases. Reduce the degree of air pollution, emissions and weather effects such as acid rain.
Many of these energies, such as solar energy, allow self-sufficiency through the simple installation of infrastructure. Hence traditional power and oil fight tooth and nail to prevent the development of this type of energy that could allow people to be self-sufficient and without the services of these companies.

Finally, it notes that renewable are increasingly necessary in a world where the sustained and sustainable development is increasingly important. This result in the existence of increasingly specialized jobs related to these relatively new ways of obtaining energy.
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