
How Does Planting Trees Help the Environment?

trees help environment

Trees are great allies of the microclimate of cities, their presence has an effect on some components of the climate such as temperature, wind, humidity, solar radiation, rainfall and soil erosion.
Planting trees in parks, plazas, sidewalks and patios of our homes helps the environment and improve our quality of life. Here are some interesting facts

They can absorb air pollutants such as converting CO2 into oxygen. The creation of urban green areas can reduce to some extent the level of some pollutants in the air, accumulating them in their leaves or serving as a screen to stop its course

Improve air temperature by controlling solar radiation. Leaves intercept, they reflect, absorb and transmit solar radiation. It has been found to help reduce the greenhouse effect (or global warming). It is known that in cities where the temperature is high during daylight hours, the presence of trees and gardens reduce the local temperature up to 20 ° C in global temperature to 1 ° C.


Depending on the foliage and the density and intensity of rainfall. Intercept water drop, allowing time for infiltration, thus reducing runoff and soil erosion.
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