
How to Prevent Deforestation?

Deforestation is caused by logging, pollution and misuse of natural resources.
Deforestation: definition, causes, consequences and prevention
Deforestation happens by human actions, destroying woodland (forests, forests, etc.).
It is mainly due to burning or logging indiscriminate by industries (mostly timber).
Moreover, the livestock industry and agriculture require large tracts of land to develop, deforesting the ground.
If trees are felled and not replanted, soil biodiversity is lost, soil layers erode and fixed-called atmospheric carbon (CO2).
In addition, animal and plant species that grow in this habitat lose their ecosystem.
For example, birds have nowhere to build their nests, the temperature changes for herbivorous mammals and reptiles do not have vegetation for food.
Prevent rather than cure
"Ordinary" citizens must make proper use of the elements created with trees.
For example, write on both sides of a sheet of paper, recycle no longer used and reused cartons.
Moreover, there are furniture stores that make responsible use of wood. These have an international certification called FSC (Forest Stewardship Council).
This certificate shows that companies comply with the planting of trees in relation to that log.
If a timber consuming e.g. 10 000 trees to create their products, should plant the same amount for a "negative balance" does not occur. You can learn more about this certification Fsc.org
There are many benefits of forests. To highlight just a few: high levels of oxygenation, less droughts, floods and fires and preservation animal and plant species.
It is up to all care for the planet and especially trees that provide us so many benefits. With some daily and simple actions we can contribute our bit to this cause that touches us all, regardless of nationality, religion or ideology.
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