
17 Ridiculously Easy Things You Can Do To Save The Planet

You may think that slowing your carbon footprint and consumption you will provide much in reducing human pollution that is consuming our planet. But we think that if we work together, we can make a positive change in the damage we do. It is time that we look for ways to reduce the amount of waste we generate and the excessive use of resources.
Here are 17 ways to make truly easy day to really help save our planet-and they are some to help you save money!
1. Recycle a can of Coca-Cola helps save enough to run your TV for three hours energy.
2. Biking to work. Leave the car will save approximately one pound of CO2 and other pollutants per kilometer.
3. Use the revolving door when you can. They help reduce heating costs of a building.
4. Stop using virgin paper. Recycled paper generates 74% less air pollution and uses 35% less water to produce.
5. If you paint your roof white can save between 20 and 40 percent on your electricity bills.
6. Close the faucet while you brush your teeth. You can save 5 gallons of water daily.
7. If your car is dirty, wash it in a washing because they use half the water than if you wash yourself.
8. Avoid scrubs with micro beads. The pellets end up in water supplies ls harms fish and wildlife.
9. Pay your bills online and not with paper ballots save 23 pounds of wood and avoid or 29 pounds of greenhouse gas per household each year.
10. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs. Uses 74 percent less energy than regular bulbs and you can now $ 30 or more on your energy costs over the life of a regular bulb.
11. Wash your hair less often and will save the flow of hazardous chemical waste PCPP to waterways. 11 PCPP (people pharmaceutical and hygiene products with contaminants) are present in most cosmetic and personal health. This includes prescription and cosmetics. Contaminants are not absorbed by the human body, so they go through the pipes and often generate ecological damage.
12. Stir your coffee with a raw noodle instead of a plastic stirrer ending in the trash after first use.
13. Use a dishwasher instead of hand washing the dishes, this can save hundreds of gallons of water.
14. In 1800-2500 gallons of water are needed to produce one pound of meat. Become a vegetarian 1 time a week and help conserve water.
15. Start using refillable water bottles. US only 1.5 million barrels of oil are spent to produce plastic bottles.
16. Napkins contribute to the destruction of 34 million trees. Try using only one next time.
17. Do not throw away glass. It takes about one million years to decompose.
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