Human is the main cause of water pollution, since the elimination
of liquids, household and industrial waste and solid waste as garbage in rivers
and other bodies of water, results in its deactivation. The very nature is a
source of carry-over contamination of the soil and topsoil due to uncontrolled
deforestation. Water can be contaminated in several ways:
Domestic wastewater, also called black water or sewage, which are
those from the private areas: bathrooms, washing machines, sinks...
For industrial wastewater, which are those that come from the oil
and chemical industries that produce some hazardous pollutants such as
compounds of copper, silver, chromium, mercury and lead.
Besides fertilizers cause excessive growth of algae, which
unbalance the ecosystem.
Effects of water pollution:
Physical effects such as odor, color change, turbidity,
fermentation, temperature change...
Chemical effects such as reduced oxygen concentration needed to
aquatic life.
Biological effects: as the death of plants and animals, and the
production of human diseases.
Major illnesses caused by contaminated water:
Dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever.
Measures to prevent water pollution:
Care moorland vegetation and headwaters, avoiding the felling of
Protect water sources, not throwing garbage or fecal waste in
Build latrines and septic tanks.
Build treatment plants wastewater.
Educational campaigns to achieve positive attitudes towards water
conservation attitudes.