
10 Ways to Prevent Global Warming

  1. Use the car less. I wonder what the fuck happens to us if we walk a bit or if we use a little bike to go to nearby places? , I myself I answer: Nothing we do not do nothing, the next you go to the store or some other part seeks cycling or walking why not, while we exercise we stop polluting the planet. You have to use the car unless we can.
  2. Avoid burning all sorts of things as much as possible. Stop burning all those papers that no longer serve you or any garbage. One way to get rid of that trash is recycled.
  3. Reforest all areas of land. Nothing even if it costs us to plant two times a year one tree click in order to have a cleaner air.
  4. Recycling and reusing. Try to separate your trash so that we can recycle and become more useful things for yourself. Frankly this does not cost us anything. Recycle as much as you can, now man has many things that are recyclable and do not take advantage. One way to avoid the felling of trees would be this, buy and companies sell more recycled paper.
  5. Avoid throwing garbage in the environment. PTM, when you read something that says put litter in its place hasle casooo. Caring energy. Please! Turn off occasionally, but not only that tries to use the least possible electricity. Another good option is to buy energy saving light bulbs that save up to 75 percent pro energy than regular bulbs.
  6. Take care of the water. Sure, a choice but to care for the earth is conserve water. Our planets are covered mostly by water and imagine that everything would end. It saving energy also saves water. Take a quick shower, also be sure to wash your car with the hose, I do not think you do not have a put boat at home.
  7. Do not go down the toilet or how often you use it as trash. It may sound strange but it is true when a continuous flow toilet can waste up to 200 thousand liters of water per year. But you do not try to use it as a dump, the pot for that is. To show you that we can contribute anything.
  8. Educate. This is one of the most important, much more important that you teach your children and youth to raise awareness about what is happening to our planet. With this we try to have a better future thanks to them for they are the future.
  9. Create campaigns through the media and others. This is also essential, what we see is what most at home? Obviously the TV, if a worldwide campaign to show not a documentary or something to do about global consciousness would reach millions and millions of people will be created. It is expensive but it is something that is priceless. And so with any media the idea is to reach many people.
  10. Use Ecoogler, the truth is that there are hundreds of more important ways than using a search engine but I want it known. Ecoogler is based on Google search engine that whenever you search will be donating 1 leaf to restore forests. The sheet donate to think that very little but leaves 1,000,000 trees will make a donation to the association Aquaverde to repopulate the Amazon and forests around the world and that if significant

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