
Biogas Production from Organic Waste

In our quest to find methods of obtaining non-traditional energy (or at least unusual), today we will talk energy that we get from organic waste (manure, crop residues, etc.). Although it may seem strange, this system is also used in Southeast Asia and to a lesser extent in South America. Biogas is a gas composed mainly of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) from the anaerobic breakdown (without oxygen) of organic matter. For energy of this waste digesters, which can be industrial or homemade equipment they are used.

The process is quite simple, the accumulation of organic waste in an environment without oxygen (digester) makes the bacteria contained in the transform this waste into biogas, which can be used to generate heat in a "boiler" or even electricity in large installations through turbines.
As a byproduct of power generation in a digester also it would get good quality bio fertilizer, which makes this system ideal for farms and livestock.
The energy contained in biogas, should be composed of 65% methane, and would 7kWh / m3, slightly lower than that of natural gas 10kWh / m3. To get an idea, 1kg of bovine manure would give 0.04 m3 of biogas, thus 280Wh of heat energy. As an example, if we have room of 15m2 for 1h need something more than 5kg of this raw material, in case you want to take a shower, it would have to 4kg.
It is also possible to produce biogas from plant debris lesser extent, a ton of corn would produce approximately 500m3 of biogas, which would give us some energy 3,5kWh.
For transformation of this gas into heat energy as diesel boilers they are used, although a special burner for biogas thus would "free" hot water for heating and / or ACS is required. Before passing the gas boiler and a filtration step removing condensate in order to prevent corrosion is necessary.

This is just one more example that it is possible self-sufficient in energy. Although initial investments are high, in our view energy independence almost always profitable in the long term though sometimes more comfortable buying energy (gas, electricity, etc.).
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